Thursday, November 8, 2012

Native American Headband: A November Art & Math Small Group Project

Like many classrooms, our students make Native American headbands.  Although in my classroom this activity serves as a small group art, social, language and math activity.  

In advance, I cut out red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and purple feathers. I also cut out the brown strips of paper to make the headband. I draw 3 to 8 purple lines on the headband to serve as visual marks for the students to know where to apply glue.  We use purple glue sticks from Elmer's so the children can use the match-to-match philosophy by putting purple glue on top of the purple marker lines. This tells the student how much glue they need to use and how much work they have to do to complete the activity. 

This headband will require five feathers.
Instructor's Insight:  For children with shorter attention spans, add fewer lines!

The students start by writing their name in the middle of the brown strip of paper.  Then, we turn the paper over and begin playing the game.  The children take turns rolling a color die.  (You make one with free printable dice from or you can purchase a colored die at any teacher supply store in the early childhood section.)  

My son adding feathers to his headband.

After rolling, they request that color feather from the teacher leading the small group.  If the student is nonverbal or do not yet know color words, he/she can do this by pointing to the corresponding color on an Aided-Language Board.   They then glue the feather on their headband while the next player rolls the dice to make his/her feather selection. 

An Aided-Language  Board

Aided Language Boards are similar to Picture Exchange Systems without the added velcro and pull off component.  You can read more about Aided Language Stimulation and work by Linda Burkhardt.  
This is one of my favorite Thanksgiving activities because it serves so many purposes--- color naming, turn-taking, gluing, and requesting.  You can even incorporate counting, and concepts like more and less.    

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